Hey everyone, long time no see
The free weekend recently enticed us to come back and give a look at the game and guild we have missed for a long time (almost 4 years we have been gone now!).
It was nice to see a couple familiar names in guild chat over the weekend. The game has changed SOOOO much, we are a little daunted by it all. We have resubscribed and hope to re-learn some of the stuff we have forgotten and learn some of the new stuff too!
A little update on us. Last we played Tristan was about 18 months old. He is now 5ish and we have since also had a daughter, Jovielle, she is 2 years old. Oh, we being Lylan and I . I am homeschooling Tristan, which takes up a lot of my time.
Hmm well anyway, Hi!! I am so glad to be back AND tickled that we are still in Primal Brood. I was afraid we would have gotten kicked out
This looks familiar....
Moderators: Yrys, Moderators