Primal Brood; Woe To The Fallen
Raid Calendar
Check the forums for details.
August 07, 2008
PB is Recruiting, All Classes, Hot List: Bards, Enchanters, Shamans, Rogues
Primal Brood - Guild Application Form:

Before filling out this application, please read our charter, here, or use the menu link to the left.

Disagreeing with any portion of the charter negates any reason to fill out this application.

If you are currently pledging to another guild or organization, we would appreciate if you did not fill out this application as we would rather you concentrate fully on giving your all to one guild or organization.

Primal Brood is a raiding guild. If you cannot commit time to a raiding schedule, then we encourage you to seek out one of the other many fine guilds on Test.

The character you apply with is considered your Main character. If this is not the character you wish to play, do not apply with it. Our charter does not allow for main changes.

Main Character Name:
Your "Real Life" Year of Birth: 19
Sponsor's Name:
Main Character Class:
Main Character Level:
Do you have Run3: Yes No
Are you able to Shrink, spell/item: Yes No
If yes, how or what is the item ?
How many hours per day do you play:
What time zone do you play in:
What do you feel are your "specialities"? (leadership, support, unbiased, logical, loyalty, etc.):
What former guilds were you in and why did you leave them?:
Comments you would like to add:
If you are holding A backpacks and you put B backpacks in the bank,
how many backpacks are you holding?:    
Your email address (be certain to use a valid email):